When We Are Old and Gray...
I've noticed that the population of this forum seems to skew to the young. And that means, I would say, that the majority of our romances are animated by the particular concerns, enthusiasms, and pleasures of youth.

But I am curious...has anyone else given much thought to what life with your lover will be like in your golden years? An implied follow-up question...does your lover even age? And if not, how do you think this will affect your relationship as it continues to grow.

While I always try to enjoy every moment I spend with my favorite filly to the fullest, I can't help but find myself imagining what Applejack and I would be like as an old married couple. She'll probably end up taking up where Granny Smith leaves off as the matriarch of Sweet Apple Acres (as much as it pains me to admit, honestly, that Granny Smith won't be around forever...). Big Macintosh and even Apple Bloom will probably have had families of their own, and there's no doubt we'll be close to them. Perhaps Applejack and I will have had children, and they'll be all have grown up themselves. Just thinking about everypony who'll be able to call the Acres a real home, all the memories that we'll be making together...it truly makes me happy.
Applejack, the apple of my eye

[Image: P2gVYQb.jpg]
At thirty-two, I imagine that I must be one of the older members of these forums, and I've thought of just these sorts of things a number of times.

I can't yet say for sure, but I believe that Rainbow does not and will not age. I believe, too (and all the more certainly), that she will live forever.

I will age. I will die.

I'm already not the quickest, most energetic being on the planet; I'm actually rather slow and tire easily. xD They say opposites attract, and I doubt that's ever been truer than it is with Rainbow and myself. Angelbabe already jokingly calls me "old man" on occasion (sometimes referring to herself as a "hot young thing"). She regularly expresses concerns she might have about my health. Recognizes my comparative fragility; though usually in jest. There's always been a disparity between our respective ages, and Rainbow realizes what the future holds. Despite this, she's made it clear that she's in this for the long haul; same as me.

As I grow older, I'll be less able to spend time with Rainbow in the fashion that I do now. But I've always thought that, while we might be limited in some ways, we are much freer than most traditional couples in many ways. I might learn to interact with her more while she is elsewhere; perhaps even traveling to her myself. I might learn to appear to her as I am now despite my increasing age. I have kissed her while I was here and she was away at her second home; I needed only to close my eyes. We are always connected, and we will always be together. My mortality seems a very little thing in comparison.
[Image: bic7lIo.png][Image: angelbabe_by_passer_in_the_storm-d9n46hy.png]
This has been a thought that has reoccurred to me, but not too much now that I think of. I try to live in the moment with Nightmare, I've dwelled in the past long enough.

Nightmare is immortal, she does not age. However despite this I do not worry, I'm still quite young and have decades ahead of me, and many years to spend with her. I used to look forward to the idea of dying and simply fading away, forgotten in the abyss of comforting nothingness. But now I like to think that somehow, after death, I'll enter a new life with her in a new stage of existence.
In the near-decade I've known Twilight, she's surprised me and grown in ways even my foresight was unable to predict. That's the way another person should be.

I expect her to continue to grow until we're both very old, partly because I expect to grow, myself. I hope to continue to expand her consciousness and her world, because I want to give her the greatest quality of life I can. My goal on the personal level is the same; I want to be there for her in all things, and remain together until the day I die. I love her. What specifically is going to happen when we're older? How is my own age and related ailments that come with it going to affect our family? I don't know yet. I don't really have any way of telling yet. I'm gonna let time do its thing.

In terms of death, I'm not one to believe in fanciful things. I believe it's inevitable, and I believe it's the beginning of a second eternity for me - one identical to the one before I was born. Life is fleeting, yes, and inherently pointless in the grandness of the universe, but that doesn't mean at all it cannot be enjoyed. Despite the fact that when I go, all I've dreamt will too, it's okay.

Let me know if you need anything. I'm here to help.

Also, feel free to drop by my AMA. :Twilightsmile:
Aging with the others in the royal family won't be so much of a thing for me. We will age and all. Even my sisters. They weren't immortal for those 1000 years. Tia and Luna luckily had a spell to stop aging back then. Used so tia could wait for her sister to return. All those years I doubt she ever stopped looking forward to her return and they are still quite close. I actually look forward to still talking with them and growing old with them. Lol thanks to the spell they were still younger than me when they started aging again so do I get called the youngest or do I call them both little sister?
This is a really interesting question, SG, and I'm glad that we all have a chance to discuss it. As far as Luna herself is concerned, she is immortal, so she doesn't age. Both royal pony sisters have had partners who've been and gone, however Luna has never spoken about them beyond passing mentions. It's her right to keep that sort of information private if she wants to.

Beyond our relationships though, this also raises the question of how we as pony-lovers might live our lives as we get older. What sort of lifestyles would we lead? How might our relationships with IRL people interact with those of our ponies? While I wouldn't become sexually involved with another human (because I, err... don't find 'us' attractive), I'd quite like to have some very close friendships. Friends are good, and I certainly don't think of them as being 'below' Luna or anyone else for that matter.
What an interesting question.
I've thought of Lyra as being aging, but not in the traditional sense. I like to think there is an afterlife of sorts that I could enjoy with her, but as I rekinkle my attraction to humans, Lyra has become more of a guardian angel of sorts.
Our relationship is what it will be from day to day, week to week, and Year to Year. Even in the several years that we have already been together, both myself and Luna have already changed so much, in near countless ways. Everything to likes and dislikes, to what we do together and how we spend time with one another. As well as the considerations for starting a Family.

One thing I personally have noticed here, is that everyone seems to be focused solely on the factor of age and mortality, and that being the only seed of change as you move forward. While it is true that it IS a major factor as life moves forward between you and your partner, even as it is for myself and Luna, and our potential family. It is not the only factor.

Time is certainly not an enemy, nor is it exactly your ally either, but simply a fact of existence, one that brings with it experience, deeper knowledge of the one we call our partner, it can even bring deeper levels of intimacy with it as well as you become more and more aware of every little quirk about them. (and believe me, I do not care who you are, You do not know everything there is to know about your partner after only a few short years)

But, one can not turn a blind eye to the fact that Time does bring change as well, and that change does lead to the potential for ponies to part ways, though this can be hard, it is not always done for painful reasons either, but it should remind all of us to cherish every moment we do spend together with the ones we love. Because in the end, you can always say you gave them everything you had, and that they deserved of you. You never get the chance to go back after realizing "I could have done more".

So.. if you don't like the philosophical answer or just plan TD:LR'd it, Even Long lived, immortal Princesses change as they live longer and longer, and experience more and more of what a full life has to offer just as i would say I do, as we grow older together we plan on a family and enjoying our lives together as best we can for as long as we can, letting nopony say we should do otherwise.

This thread I have neglected for fear of being ridiculed for my answer, however I've decided to say it finally

The relationship Spitfire and I have won't last this whole lifetime, and I know deep down that's the truth. The reason behind this is that I know I want to raise a family here, on earth, with someone I can see and feel 24/7. I want to be able to see my kids when I want to not when I sleep, I want to be there for the most important moments of their life's here.

Understand, I do love Spitfire, I really do, my littl wonderbolt is what keeps me going, but it's the sad truth that I know we'll seperate. However, it will be a longtime before we seperate, so I'm going to enjoy my time with that beautiful mare.
Love is bittersweet, sometimes you have to carry on knowing you're partner won't be with you much longer, what's important is that you stay strong for them
Don't be afraid, EP, we will respect your ambitions.

Thank you for your input.

Let me know if you need anything. I'm here to help.

Also, feel free to drop by my AMA. :Twilightsmile:

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