Pony Merch
[Image: Rarity-Equestria-Girls-Minis-Vinyl-Figure-1.jpg]
[Image: Rarity-Equestria-Girls-Minis-Vinyl-Figure-2.jpg]
Definitely need these to come out soon.
[Image: GnwyV8N.png]
[Image: glimmerina_and_EqG.jpg]
Got this little figure in the mail today. I got her as a gift from someone who doesn't hang around here much anymore, but still, thank you so much. you know who you are

Note: EqG mini for scale
Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
That's really a lovely figure, she looks beautiful. I hope she brings a good smile to you.
[Image: GnwyV8N.png]
[Image: Mighty%2BMuggs%252C%2BMolded%2BFigures%2...18%2B7.jpg]
New molded figures incoming!

[Image: plushie%2BMy%2BLittle%2BPony%2BBooth%2BT...18%2B5.jpg]
New plush!

[Image: Equestria%2BGirls%2BMy%2BLittle%2BPony%2...8%2B12.jpg]
[Image: Equestria%2BGirls%2BMy%2BLittle%2BPony%2...8%2B11.jpg]

[Image: Equestria%2BGirls%2BMy%2BLittle%2BPony%2...8%2B14.jpg]
Probably will have to chuck the Spike accessory on this one, though...
[Image: GnwyV8N.png]
I got an LED Starlight nightlight. It's a lot bigger than I was expecting and I really couldn't be happier
[Image: image.jpg]
Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
That is such a cool thing, I'm happy for you! That looks really great.
[Image: GnwyV8N.png]
Just a reminder that the Starlight and Trixie GoH is up for preorder on BBTS. I use these guys all the time and find them pretty reliable.
[Image: GnwyV8N.png]

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