02-10-2017, 03:24 PM
S2E14 The Last Roundup
I really hate this episode, and unless I do this rewatch thing again, I'm not coming back to it. It really gets under my skin in a lot of ways. Maybe because it was the first episode I didn't like, but holy crap do I just dislike it. Not only do I feel it's very bad on Applejack's character (making her leave town and avoid everyone for not the highest reasons) I feel it also does a bad job as it starts turning Pinkie into an "annoyance" type of character, which isn't like her at all. And that ending! Where do I even begin? Rainbow Dash just abandons Rarity in the freaking desert? They spend the entire time chasing after Applejack, but can't go back for Rarity and Pinkie, for the sake of a poor, unfunny gag that honestly makes Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow and Applejack look like complete jerks? Like even forget my love for Rari, that's just insane that they spend all that time going after Applejack, but that's too much. This episode will be one of the ones never good in my book.
Now if you'll excuse me I need to drown that out with something decent, like perhaps Rarity Takes Manehattan. That ending always just gets me, it's so bad in terms of what it implies, it's not funny at all.
I really hate this episode, and unless I do this rewatch thing again, I'm not coming back to it. It really gets under my skin in a lot of ways. Maybe because it was the first episode I didn't like, but holy crap do I just dislike it. Not only do I feel it's very bad on Applejack's character (making her leave town and avoid everyone for not the highest reasons) I feel it also does a bad job as it starts turning Pinkie into an "annoyance" type of character, which isn't like her at all. And that ending! Where do I even begin? Rainbow Dash just abandons Rarity in the freaking desert? They spend the entire time chasing after Applejack, but can't go back for Rarity and Pinkie, for the sake of a poor, unfunny gag that honestly makes Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow and Applejack look like complete jerks? Like even forget my love for Rari, that's just insane that they spend all that time going after Applejack, but that's too much. This episode will be one of the ones never good in my book.
Now if you'll excuse me I need to drown that out with something decent, like perhaps Rarity Takes Manehattan. That ending always just gets me, it's so bad in terms of what it implies, it's not funny at all.