03-18-2017, 02:23 PM
S4E11 Three's a Crowd
Someone want to explain to me why Twilight and Cadence were more concerned about making Discord feel better rather than immediately going up to check up on Rarity and Applejack after Discord said he infected them because I'd really like to have that justified to me k thanks
I suppose this is going to start marking the trend of crappy Discord episodes, isn't it? I mean his actions aside, and the fact that Twilight and Cadence were more concerned about the well-being of a monster over her friends I still can't really get past that little itty bitty plot hiccup, it just wasn't a good episode. It takes half of the episode to occur in order for the plot of "Discord just starts to troll Twilight" to be set up and happen, when it really could have occurred so much more sooner. Prior to the rewatch, I thought "Well at least it has a catchy song I think?" but honestly the song wasn't much to stand on it's own aside from pop culture memes, especially compared to the 2, no 3 fantastic songs that recently proceeded it, this really felt like it fell flat and was uninteresting. I mean I guess the episode works if you're totally into "It was merely a social experiment male sibling of mine!" stuff, but aside from that, Discord has already quite worn off his "redeemed" welcome and honestly is completely unjustifiable at this point.
Also I do feel like mentioning how creepy it is that he keeps appearing in Fluttershy's window in the opening. It looks unsettling.
Someone want to explain to me why Twilight and Cadence were more concerned about making Discord feel better rather than immediately going up to check up on Rarity and Applejack after Discord said he infected them because I'd really like to have that justified to me k thanks
I suppose this is going to start marking the trend of crappy Discord episodes, isn't it? I mean his actions aside, and the fact that Twilight and Cadence were more concerned about the well-being of a monster over her friends I still can't really get past that little itty bitty plot hiccup, it just wasn't a good episode. It takes half of the episode to occur in order for the plot of "Discord just starts to troll Twilight" to be set up and happen, when it really could have occurred so much more sooner. Prior to the rewatch, I thought "Well at least it has a catchy song I think?" but honestly the song wasn't much to stand on it's own aside from pop culture memes, especially compared to the 2, no 3 fantastic songs that recently proceeded it, this really felt like it fell flat and was uninteresting. I mean I guess the episode works if you're totally into "It was merely a social experiment male sibling of mine!" stuff, but aside from that, Discord has already quite worn off his "redeemed" welcome and honestly is completely unjustifiable at this point.
Also I do feel like mentioning how creepy it is that he keeps appearing in Fluttershy's window in the opening. It looks unsettling.