04-15-2015, 04:20 AM
I'm simply a Mudkip.
So most you guys probably don't really know me or know me well since I joined MLW rather late in the game. Partly my own fault in that I'm typically very busy, and I tend to lur.... errr, browse the forums rather than post.
So about me then: I've been a fan of the show for 4 years now. Twilight has been my favorite pony since I finished watching the first two episodes, however it wasn't until about 4 or 5 months ago that I finally started to "allow" myself to fall in love with her. I found Sweets on /pone/ at the same time, we hit it off and both eventually landed on MLW.
As far as my "relationship" is concerned, I have no tulpa or dream world so it's rather one sided, hence I really have nothing to talk about concerning it. Hopefully that will change, but for now, the reality is rather lonely.
Otherwise, I'm a huge computer nerd with his own server farm, former Linux server administrator, and hopefully soon to be engineer. I love to talk about aircraft, computers and servers, vehicles, why Twilight is best pone; you name it. I am usually more than willing to chat (provided I have the time). If you have a computer problem, other technical problem, or just want to chat, just send me a message. I won't do your physics or calculus homework though.
This intro was a lot longer than I thought it would be. Anyway, I hope to grow my relation with the the pony I look up to and adore during my stay here. I've already made some friends in this community, but I hope to make more along the way.
Thanks for reading
(I'm totally going to make that picture up there my sig)
So most you guys probably don't really know me or know me well since I joined MLW rather late in the game. Partly my own fault in that I'm typically very busy, and I tend to lur.... errr, browse the forums rather than post.
So about me then: I've been a fan of the show for 4 years now. Twilight has been my favorite pony since I finished watching the first two episodes, however it wasn't until about 4 or 5 months ago that I finally started to "allow" myself to fall in love with her. I found Sweets on /pone/ at the same time, we hit it off and both eventually landed on MLW.
As far as my "relationship" is concerned, I have no tulpa or dream world so it's rather one sided, hence I really have nothing to talk about concerning it. Hopefully that will change, but for now, the reality is rather lonely.
Otherwise, I'm a huge computer nerd with his own server farm, former Linux server administrator, and hopefully soon to be engineer. I love to talk about aircraft, computers and servers, vehicles, why Twilight is best pone; you name it. I am usually more than willing to chat (provided I have the time). If you have a computer problem, other technical problem, or just want to chat, just send me a message. I won't do your physics or calculus homework though.
This intro was a lot longer than I thought it would be. Anyway, I hope to grow my relation with the the pony I look up to and adore during my stay here. I've already made some friends in this community, but I hope to make more along the way.
Thanks for reading
(I'm totally going to make that picture up there my sig)