I've been told that I'm a good writer. I'd say I'm an okay writer with good ideas.

Though I will admit to being able to spin a good character or two.
My Beloveds
[Maud Pie] [Tempest Shadow] [Ocellus] [Blaze the Cat]
I brew a mean black tea. Nerdy Twist
❤ Octavia ❤ Tulpamancing since 2015/10/31 ❤ AMA
I apparently can sense when someone is fake, and have a great habbit of having bad days when i need stuff to work.. because my dvd burner just died, right when i need to burn a disk for class
I can kinda type fast.
I'm a pretty good skier.
Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
My Dashie's spectacular at reading people. She can tell right away if someone's bothered by something or particularly happy. Of course, she's an incredible cuddler (something I'm sure is innate to ponies, but Pegasi in particular). She's also really quite good at convincing me to do things, but not the best at resisting other temptations.
She is no lofty goal.
I almost want to learn the keytar now, seeimg it as Rarity's instrument of choice.
[Image: GnwyV8N.png]
I have become rather interested in batch scripting, even made a master control script back in the day at schoo for when reinstalling an os or doing maintenance. I could setup the school's dns and ip settings for the network, set up accounts with admin access and password tossed in.

all of this was simply like working a soda machine, I just picked a handfull of numbers and got what i wanted done for me

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