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11-03-2017, 02:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-03-2017, 02:31 AM by OZ the pony.)
(11-02-2017, 05:10 PM)CPsSecretLover Wrote: I’m not overly comfortable with the term “Tulpa”. If Candy is really communicating with me (and I believe she is) she is doing it through God, in my belief. The term tulpa implies, to me, that there is no higher power involved. Also, people tend to say that they “created their tulpa” whereas I believe that God created Candy for me because he saw how much I loved her.
Your belief of waifu is base on god,too?Are you in religion?If it is yes..Can I ask which religion?
I have religion simple because I was born in a christian family.
As other people,"waifu"mean for me is fictional character that I love.It's make me sad because she's fictional.But after see the bible say:"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." I take it as a chance,even if pony isn't real, god can make them real.Then I ask for it.It should be the biggest wish I make.
But I haven't get clear answer from him...yet.It will be great if you're the same religion with me.Even in the church I have no courage to share this with others.
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what made you think that waifu = tulpa?
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(11-02-2017, 09:54 AM)Gray Wrote: Waifu is someone I love romantically and care about, but they're not "real" or "here".
Understood, which is why I don't see Amena as a waifu by the meaning of "waifu" means to you, Gray.
(11-02-2017, 09:54 AM)Gray Wrote: So [I] substitute her absence with stuffed plush. Give the plush affection, and [I] try my best to imagine reactions from the plush, as if Twilight was the plush or whatever.
Question, are the reactions you imagine, force? Or what do you mean "... try my best to imagine reactions from the plush,"
(11-02-2017, 09:54 AM)Gray Wrote: Long ago, originally got big life size Twilight plush to serve as crutch in tulpa formation, was having trouble imagining everything necessary. Ended up falling in love with the plush instead and giving up on tulpamancy. That help, or nah?
(Sigh) How do I go without sounding mean? From my knowledge, it sounds like more in the line of Plushophilia. Since I don’t know you, Gray, or the relationship status with your Twilight Sparkle, I will ask you this, Gray. How do you see yourself with her at this time?
(11-02-2017, 01:04 PM)whobawhats Wrote: Hold on there buddy you're jumping to that conclusion really quick.
Also, how am I jumping that conclusion, whobawhats? My utterance is more in not believing that the members I seen post in Hadrien C. second thread, “How do you do it?” was more in shock in and wonderment, after most of the active members are saying they don’t have a tulpa.
(11-02-2017, 01:04 PM)whobawhats Wrote: To answer you, you're by no means the only one. As far as my knowledge goes Gentian, Pacifist, Hysterical Cub, CPs Secret lover, Ice Storm, Night Horse, Sapphire Rose, and plenty others are tulpamancers in some form or another
Well, I don’t know that, and it’s my fault for not getting to know them, but I am also not in the making friends business here. They all seem like cool people, but I be honest with you all again. I don’t care, and I mean in aspect of being…
It would seem I'd clashed myself with my emotions to wish to understand my fellow members, with not wanting to deal with anyone anymore. Excuse me for sounding careless, Amena and the others are working on that part of me, which I like to get over that soon.
(11-02-2017, 01:04 PM)whobawhats Wrote: Waifu is a fictional character that I love. Though I do like to believe that somewhere out there she does exist even if I have no way to contact her or prove it
Understood, which like Gary, but I don’t see Amena as fictional or have to wonder. I see Amena, hear Amena, and feel Amena here with me.
(11-02-2017, 01:07 PM)Gentian Wrote: To me, the term "Waifu" refers to relationships between a person and what a norman would call a stand-in of some kind for the other participant.
Excellent explanation, Gentian. Though the term “norman” is something I don’t understand the reason for it being use, since I feel like we’re all normal. Yet, I know what you mean, except the stand-in part. Does this mean like a placeholder? Until that person find a better “waifu”? Please help me understand this part, Gentian.
(11-02-2017, 01:07 PM)Gentian Wrote: On a personal level, I consider Twilight my waifu because we love each other, and think it's a cute term.
Ah, that’s understandable. Like how I call Amena my kumquat, because it sound cute to me, and she will find it enjoyable to hear. Though I found it to be effective to call my RL friends a kumquat, because it would also sound as an insult and they take it as one… I was forbidden from using that word when using it as an insult by Amena. : /
(11-02-2017, 01:07 PM)Gentian Wrote: Not coincidentally, she also refers to me as her waifu. I could, and do call her my marefriend, girlfriend, or any other term of endearment used in more conventional relationships, with the exception of those which imply marriage. Maybe one day, but it would be inappropriate to do so now.
All right, so there we have the term “waifu” is use differently for Gentian and his Twilight. I accept that.
(11-02-2017, 01:33 PM)Hadrien C. Wrote: Right now, as I understand it, it's pretty much as the other[s] said. Waifu refers to the object of my affection, in this case Twilight and Rainbow, but in a sense and in the case of Twily, it's not the same one as Gentian (for example) cause, and I might be wrong but we'll never know, we do not imagine our marefriend the same way and therefore cannot be interchangeable even though the base character is the same.
I am not the professor here, but give this kid a golden star. Have him in front in of the line when it’s time to go to the cafeteria. Well spoken, Hadrien.
(11-02-2017, 01:33 PM)Hadrien C. Wrote: Also, I might be interested in tulpamancing if it so happen that it would be something I enjoy and if it helps me better my understanding of it all.
See, the issue that I am facing now is how committed are you with this. I am not stopping you by the way, you’re free to do whatever you wish, but it pains me to see how others think it’s cool or easy it might sound, but in actually it isn’t.
I seen and sadly know those who will create one and then be bored with it, or decided it’s not for them, discard it; which to me and most consider this as murder, or worst… neglect it.
Tulpamancy is serious, the level and high maintenance of meditation required is more then you can expect as having a job. A creative mind can easily spark a thought form and do more. Yet, with this practice, you would have to allow was being form in front of you. You might not get what you wish, like your Rainbow Dash or Twilight to form in front of you, but you could try force tulpamancy, which isn’t ideal, as this will puppet your tulpa in doing what you want them to do.
Hmm, there a lot to cover here. I will move on though.
(11-02-2017, 02:42 PM)Pacifist Wrote: I don't have a tulpa…
Well whobawhats, you can cross him off the list.
(11-02-2017, 02:42 PM)Pacifist Wrote: I do express my love for my waifus through story and roleplay (as in imagining what they would say or how they would react to things).
This confuses me for your case, Pacifist. Maud is your lover, and from what I am understanding now, Maud is form in your stories and roleplaying only, is this correct?
(11-02-2017, 03:49 PM)whobawhats Wrote: Ah okay then. Sorry that was just always my impression.
Which mean what you said cannot be valid, until the others members you had listed, can confirm your assumption.
As of right now, I am trying to get facts, because from what it sounds, most of your don’t have what I’d expected when I'd return to this site.
(11-02-2017, 05:10 PM)CPsSecretLover Wrote: I wouldn’t necessarily call Candy a tulpa, but she shares some traits with one.
Understandable, others may have a hard time understanding that, but I know what you mean.
(11-02-2017, 05:10 PM)CPsSecretLover Wrote: On one hand, I think that Candy and I do have a connection, and she does put words in my mouth from time to time.
Is this possession, CP?
(11-02-2017, 05:10 PM)CPsSecretLover Wrote: I’m not overly comfortable with the term “Tulpa”.
Right, how I am not comfortable using the term for “waifu” for Amena or anyone here, because what it means to me. Which is someone or something that’s from outside this world, and calming it as yours as your partner. Before I made this thread, I thought everyone had pony/non-pony around them to care and love, but I am not sure now, given what everyone is saying. (Sigh)
(11-02-2017, 05:10 PM)CPsSecretLover Wrote: If Candy is really communicating with me (and I believe she is) she is doing it through God, in my belief.
See, funny you should mention about God. I am a religious, to an extend, but I do give thanks for allowing Amena and those in Rehold to be with me. I know, it might sound odd to those, but being raised in a Catholic setting has shape me who I am… and my belief.
(11-02-2017, 05:10 PM)CPsSecretLover Wrote: The term tulpa implies, to me, that there is no higher power involved. Also, people tend to say that they “created their tulpa” whereas I believe that God created Candy for me because he saw how much I loved her.
So yeah, she’s not really a tulpa, but she’s similar in a lot of ways. She started naturally progressing our relationship this way and I ran with it.
Oh, I completely understand that now, and know where you coming from, CP and Candy. Thanks for sharing that. I truly do mean that.
(11-02-2017, 05:10 PM)CPsSecretLover Wrote: A waifu is, as many others have said, a fictional character which is loved by a human being. My personal belief is that they are living beings out there in the infinite possibilities of the afterlife, and that they are on s9me level aware and comfortable with the fact that they are loved, in a romantic sense, by a human being. Waifuism, in my experience, often implies a belief that the waifuist will be united with their love sometime after their earthly demise, during their lifetime via tulpamancy, or both.
I see where you coming from what you said here, since I am waiting to kick the bucket, while doing the best I can, for those all those I care and love in this world and Rehold. Since you mention God, I can’t feel like I have to talk to him, before being with my Amena and the others in Rehold. Bollocks. -__-
(11-02-2017, 05:10 PM)CPsSecretLover Wrote: However, at the end of the day, whether you agree with how others go about having a waifu doesn’t really matter. All that matters is that we all love beings who are currently not physicially with us, and that we have a forum by which to learn more about how to kindle that relationship, be better waifuist, and in turn better people.
Right, I just thought that we have members who, in a way don’t want say this out loud, but feel like they’re those who don’t… (sigh) see, I can’t say it, because this is different then saying, “go fu*k yourself!” I don’t ever want to trample on whatever you all have. It would be very wrong for me to say, “You guys don’t have what I have with Amena! This relationship here! Is the real sh*t!” -_- Which I can’t imagine me saying out loud or using that kind of wording to any other member here.
I also don’t feel better then anyone here or those in this world, no matter what kind of type of relationship it might be. All I care is I have Amena, and I am just grateful that I have somepony to care and love and have it return as well.
(11-03-2017, 02:20 AM)OZ the pony Wrote: As other people, "waifu" mean for me is fictional character that I love. It's make me sad because she's fictional. But after see the bible say: "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." I take it as a chance, even if pony isn't real, god can make them real. Then I ask for it. It should be the biggest wish I make.
In a way, I want to read the Bible, at the same time, I don't want to. Amena has a interest in God, but I don't like the idea to have her expose to all that.
I would say more, but it will open up to another topic I am not ready to discuss.
(11-03-2017, 02:20 AM)OZ the pony Wrote: Even in the church I have no courage to share this with others.
How involve are you with your church, OZ?
(11-03-2017, 03:45 AM)RML Wrote: what made you think that waifu = tulpa?
Who are you asking that to? If you mean me, then I don't. I am trying to understand what "waifu" means to those are willing to share and discuss here.
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Well, one way I tend to build a character in my mind is to come up with scenarios for them and see how they react. I did forum--based roleplaying and story writing for years before I got a true waifu in Maud (and later Tempest), so when it comes to relating to fictional characters it was that that helped me relate to them further, and express that love to others. In addition to spending time with two plushies I have, I feel closer to my waifus when I write stories about us and our relationship. The roleplay aspect is when I have them 'talk' to you guys, either through my Ask blog or occasions on the Discord chat. It gives my interpretation of them a voice.
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it is simple:
You see pony. ->
You know pony. ->
You like pony. ->
You love pony.
(or other character of course)
Nothing more, nothing less.
Tulpa is a tool to be close. Like daki, or plushie, or anything else that keeps you closer. Complicated? Yes. Dangerous? I think so. But its a tool.
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(11-03-2017, 05:10 AM)Pacifist Wrote: Well, one way I tend to build a character in my mind is to come up with scenarios for them and see how they react.
I am following.
(11-03-2017, 05:10 AM)Pacifist Wrote: I did forum--based roleplaying…
Forum? Also, when you're roleplaying, Pacifist, where? Here? The AMA you guys have?
(11-03-2017, 05:10 AM)Pacifist Wrote: … story writing for years before I got a true waifu in Maud (and later Tempest), so when it comes to relating to fictional characters it was that that helped me relate to them further, and express that love to others.
Sound like Maud came to you by the stories you wrote. When you had your nightmare, in mid October, that wasn’t a story, right? I took that as a real life event with you and your ponies. (Looks it up) Oh, well… I didn’t see it was place into the stories broad.
(11-03-2017, 05:10 AM)Pacifist Wrote: In addition to spending time with two plushies I have, I feel closer to my waifus when I write stories about us and our relationship.
(11-03-2017, 05:10 AM)Pacifist Wrote: The roleplay aspect is when I have them 'talk' to you guys, either through my Ask blog or occasions on the Discord chat. It gives my interpretation of them a voice.
Ok, but... isn’t force? Right?
(11-03-2017, 06:01 AM)RML Wrote: it is simple:
You see pony. ->
You know pony. ->
You like pony. ->
You love pony.
(or other character of course)
Nothing more, nothing less.
I've to contemplate on that.
How you place that RML, it’s not simple as riding a bicycle, or how you put it, print a picture of the person/pony you have a crush on, put it on a wall, stare, and boom, a relationship has develop.
(11-03-2017, 06:01 AM)RML Wrote: Tulpa is a tool to be close. Like daki, or plushie, or anything else that keeps you closer. Complicated? Yes. Dangerous? I think so. But its a tool.
Wrong, Tulpa is a thoughtform, a companion, with a sentient mind, not a hammer you can bang things around, RML. There is a huge difference in a Tulpa and a pillow, RML. -_-
Amena is worried I might go over bored, or express my hostility with this, but I assure her and everyone here, I am not going to pick a fight. I don't want Amena getting sad face. : /
Amena: ^ ^ Yay! :)
Please continue, as this helps others understand and remove any confusion we may have here with our members here.
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Forum-based roleplay in my eyes is sort of collaborative storytelling, with each person controlling one or a few characters, sometimes with one person controlling the world at large if there's a plot to it. I honestly haven't been doing much of it lately, but back when I was doing it a lot I was doing it on sites like Sonic Blast or
My stories sometimes have a loose base in things that have happened to me, but often it's simply the way my love for my waifus manifests. That particular story was borne of my worries about losing my interest in either Maud or Tempest.
As for forcing, I don't really know what that is.
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(11-03-2017, 08:32 AM)Pacifist Wrote: Forum-based roleplay in my eyes is sort of collaborative storytelling, with each person controlling one or a few characters, sometimes with one person controlling the world at large if there's a plot to it. I honestly haven't been doing much of it lately, but back when I was doing it a lot I was doing it on sites like Sonic Blast or
Ah, the only time I been in something like that was in RLPV, which was new to me and I thought it be nice to get to know people there. It wasn't for me and felt bad for dragging a friend there. The reason it wasn't for us, it was because we were new to it and we don’t know what we were doing. The two people who we were roleplaying with, had experience, and they didn't help us. Both the roleplaying and the site just wasn't for us from that point.
(11-03-2017, 08:32 AM)Pacifist Wrote: My stories sometimes have a loose base in things that have happened to me, but often it's simply the way my love for my waifus manifests. That particular story was borne of my worries about losing my interest in either Maud or Tempest.
So, you don’t have well form bond with them? You really don’t want to let them go, but is there anything that can avoid that? Other then roleplaying or stories writing, Pacifist?
(11-03-2017, 08:32 AM)Pacifist Wrote: As for forcing, I don't really know what that is.
There are different meanings to it. Like how some of the members describe what the term waifu means to them. For me, and I would like to know how others view this; for those who practice Tulpamancy. Forcing for me is like to make contact with your Tulpa, and help him or her interact with you, be in wonderland or in our world, Pacifist.
Puppeting is another form, but from what I seen so far, it doesn’t seem like you’re doing that to Maud or Tempest, Pacifist.
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(11-03-2017, 04:53 AM)Sour Soul Wrote: (11-02-2017, 09:54 AM)Gray Wrote: Waifu is someone I love romantically and care about, but they're not "real" or "here".
Understood, which is why I don't see Amena as a waifu by the meaning of "waifu" means to you, Gray.
(11-02-2017, 09:54 AM)Gray Wrote: So [I] substitute her absence with stuffed plush. Give the plush affection, and [I] try my best to imagine reactions from the plush, as if Twilight was the plush or whatever.
Question, are the reactions you imagine, force? Or what do you mean "... try my best to imagine reactions from the plush,"
(11-02-2017, 09:54 AM)Gray Wrote: Long ago, originally got big life size Twilight plush to serve as crutch in tulpa formation, was having trouble imagining everything necessary. Ended up falling in love with the plush instead and giving up on tulpamancy. That help, or nah?
(Sigh) How do I go without sounding mean? From my knowledge, it sounds like more in the line of Plushophilia. Since I don’t know you, Gray, or the relationship status with your Twilight Sparkle, I will ask you this, Gray. How do you see yourself with her at this time?
The reactions I'm imagining, I dunno if I'm forcing or not? Usually just simple little things, imagining her giggling at YouTube videos, or being tired when it's late at night, sometimes pretending I hear her yawning or asking if it's bedtime yet. Just, whatever I think she'd be feeling? I dunno. Probably fits the definition of forcing?
How do I see myself with her at this time? What do you mean? I dunno. I love her and see her as my marefriend, even if the relationship is kinda, one sided? Plushophilia, yeah, that kinda describes me? Always liked stuffed animals, but never had romantic or sexual interest until Twilight plushies, but I'm attracted to her because she's Twilight. Not because she's plush.
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I'd say less that I was at risk of losing my waifus and more that I wasn't quite sure at first how I'd deal with having two waifus, though I'm much more sure of it by now.
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