Barrfinds Arts
Well... Yeah, I'm a kind a artist. If I can call my self like this.

Rarity: Och, stop it. You are great artist.

Thanks honey. Well, so here it is some of them, not all because I do way to much stuff to show it like in one post. xD

[Image: wallpaper_rd_will_hug_you_much_by_barrfind-d74tdnh.jpg]
Yeah, Rarity with our daughter Silver, young sister of our son Amicus.
[Image: vector_silver_hugs_rarity_by_barrfind-d8rpr2o.png]
[Image: vector_barrfind_hugging_plushie_by_barrfind-d8txmo4.png]
[Image: wallpaper_amazing_twilight_tron_by_barrfind-d89a2e6.jpg]
[Image: sygnature_of_love_by_barrfind-d6x0yau.jpg]
Good Lord! The quality of this artwork is astounding! The crispness of the line, the perfect attention to the telling details of the show's style...I'm truly puzzled by how you can speak with such self-deprecation about being an artist "if I can call myself this" when your work is of this high a caliber.
Applejack, the apple of my eye

[Image: P2gVYQb.jpg]
Why of course my friends, thank you for your kind words. Smile
[Image: vector_barrfind_proud_fight_stance_by_ba...8omuj3.png]
Sweet little Silver.
Rarity: Mommy's little Daughter.
[Image: vector_little_silver_v_smiling_by_barrfind-d8n6h6g.png]
Well... He he he, What? I like that.
Rarity: And road was so dirty!
[Image: vector_i_will_do_everything_for_you_by_b...8m1t9l.png]
Rarity: <3
[Image: vector_rarity_with_flowers_from_barrfind...8kwly9.png]
[Image: sygnature_of_love_by_barrfind-d6x0yau.jpg]
Ah, here it is.

Gonna copy all your old work from MLW over to here? It'd make one hell of a post.

Let me know if you need anything. I'm here to help.

Also, feel free to drop by my AMA. :Twilightsmile:
Yeah, that will help xD

[Image: wallpaper_lovely_rarity_waiting_for_him_...7f5j9v.jpg]
[Image: b_r_morning_tea_time_by_barrfind-d8ixzt6.jpg]
[Image: wallpaper_love_embrance_under_sun_by_bar...7fojez.jpg]
[Image: vector_b_r_kiss_nose_by_barrfind-d8l5l2m.png]
[Image: sygnature_of_love_by_barrfind-d6x0yau.jpg]
[Image: twilight_night_studies_by_barrfind-d808y0h.jpg]
[Image: vector_rarity_with_roses_with_socks_by_b...7kc13i.png]
[Image: wind_islands_in_amarezon_by_barrfind-d7r7ayo.jpg]
[Image: rarity_angel_by_barrfind-d7r3e1x.jpg]
[Image: sygnature_of_love_by_barrfind-d6x0yau.jpg]
Quote:[Image: twilight_night_studies_by_barrfind-d808y0h.jpg]

Cant' say I haven't been there before...Confused

These artworks continue to be a true delight. Your skill is decidedly praiseworthy!
Applejack, the apple of my eye

[Image: P2gVYQb.jpg]
Why thank you my friend. Smile
[Image: barrfind_on_bed_with_sox_by_barrfind-d7gty92.png]
[Image: barrfind_ooowww_by_barrfind-d6y9ug5.jpg]
[Image: vector_twilight_hello_there_handsome_by_...8kw4ma.png]
[Image: vector_rarity_space_cowboy_by_barrfind-d8kqesl.png]
[Image: sygnature_of_love_by_barrfind-d6x0yau.jpg]
Have you heard about my Press B to blow skillz?
[Image: vector_barrfind_press_b_to_blow_by_barrfind-d8vyj0a.png]
[Image: awesome_barrfind_background_by_barrfind-d8vv6ew.jpg]
[Image: wedding_day_of_barr_and_rari_by_barrfind-d7l0bg2.jpg]
Pony Style!
[Image: vector_barrfind_gangnam_style_by_barrfind-d7dvc6u.png]
[Image: sygnature_of_love_by_barrfind-d6x0yau.jpg]
Quote:[Image: wedding_day_of_barr_and_rari_by_barrfind-d7l0bg2.jpg]

Though all your art is worthy of praise, this image in particular is simply divine in its beauty and tenderness. Is it an accurate documentation of the ceremony you and Rarity had?
Applejack, the apple of my eye

[Image: P2gVYQb.jpg]

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