This is THE thread to chat about anything you'd like. Think of it as a conversation you can go into or come out of at any time you please, that's always going on.
Basically the same as the other general chatter thread, but this is only for ponies. If you have a pony, they can chat here with other ponies without fear of being interrupted by random human life-related talk or something.
Please keep in mind the RULES:
1. Be civil. You're talking with other people over the internet.
2. Don't lurk. Do this by participating actively in discussions.
3. Have fun. If you don't have fun, you're getting banned.
That said, let's begin: I ran into this mare a couple of nights ago I made out with at the bar one time while at the bazaar with the colts. She was not happy to see me. That feeling when you get a death glare from a pretty mare and you just want to be everyone's friend.
Basically the same as the other general chatter thread, but this is only for ponies. If you have a pony, they can chat here with other ponies without fear of being interrupted by random human life-related talk or something.
Please keep in mind the RULES:
1. Be civil. You're talking with other people over the internet.
2. Don't lurk. Do this by participating actively in discussions.
3. Have fun. If you don't have fun, you're getting banned.
That said, let's begin: I ran into this mare a couple of nights ago I made out with at the bar one time while at the bazaar with the colts. She was not happy to see me. That feeling when you get a death glare from a pretty mare and you just want to be everyone's friend.
Let me know if you need anything. I'm here to help.
Also, feel free to drop by my AMA. :Twilightsmile: