Email Notifications
For some reason I don't seem to be getting e-mail notifications anymore on subscribed threads. Last one I received was from September 30. Did something change?
[insert signature here]
I don't think so. I've still been getting mine. Perhaps they might be getting sent to spam or perhaps something changed it accidentally
[Image: zBsW8PJ.png]
Text ID
Jamie Ice Storm(Icy/waifu)
Princess Luna(Icy's mother) Mist Weaver(Icy's birth Mother)Meadow

I'll pass this along to the tech team. Thanks for the report.

In the meantime, if you want to keep up to date on threads, just stop on and go to "Forums" at the top left, and select, "View New Posts," or "View Today's Posts." That should allow you to quickly see whatever new stuff has happened since last you were here. :Twilightsmile:

Let me know if you need anything. I'm here to help.

Also, feel free to drop by my AMA. :Twilightsmile:
Thanks for letting us know, we'll do our best to fix it !
Check out my AMA!

[Image: overwatch_d_va_graphics_by_mjc_silver-da9wzuc.png]

"Boom shakalaka! She's on fire!"
I found the answer, thanks to IceStorm. Apparently Google thinks your e-mail provider is spamming:

Waifu Central via
Why is this message in Spam? We've found that lots of messages from are spam. Learn more
[insert signature here]

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