(12-21-2015, 04:03 AM)OTill Wrote: Hey, how's things?

A friend of mine browses here and uses this and when I asked him about his tulpa he pointed me in this direction. I suppose I'm just curious about the whole tulpa thing more than anything else.

Never been one to judge so I made an account so I could read through the forum, chat with people about their experiences, maybe even one day be convinced to try and give it a go myself - if I can dedicate the time to it.

See you around tulpamancers.

Edit: Wait, this place isn't just for tulpa's is it? I feel lied to.

owen pls
[insert signature here]
Welcome to this humble corner of the internet! Twilight Smile

In a way, we do deal a lot with tulpas and tulpamancy. Many of us have a tulpa here, and many here with tulpas also have a romantic attachment to them, but you don't have to be in love with a tulpa, or even have one at all to be here.

If you have any questions, please ask, and we will answer the best we can.

Another place to check out is http://tulpa.info/ . they should have even more stuff for you if we can't help you.

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