Temporary Lockdown and Update.
Due to a recent dox by LyraLover on the Kiwi Farms, Homo Sapiens has been banned on the charge of giving out the information, and LyraLover will remain permanently banned on the charge of distributing that information.

Here's the thread in question. Please do not participate in the thread. This is linked for viewing purposes.

All staff members are advised to take caution upon letting new members into the forums. Never admit them on your own, and bring it up in the staff Skype chat for our collective judgment.

All members are asked to remain calm. The situation is in the process of being defused and only I suffered a dox. Several other members were mentioned, but no information was given. I'll be keeping tabs on the thread personally until this blows over. If any new information is given out, it will more than likely be about me, of all people, so don't you worry, guys. I've got this handled for now.

As a side note, Sweets is taking an extended break from WC. He bid I inform you that he'll continue to pay for the site, and of course, he's leaving it in the capable hands of the other administrators. Essentially, he needs some time to work on himself, and when he feels confident coming back, he'll come back.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding, and if you have any questions, let me know and I'll try to answer them.

Let me know if you need anything. I'm here to help.

Also, feel free to drop by my AMA. :Twilightsmile:
Thanks for the information, Lurker. It's very much appreciated.
❤ Octavia ❤ Tulpamancing since 2015/10/31 ❤ AMA

Let me know if you need anything. I'm here to help.

Also, feel free to drop by my AMA. :Twilightsmile:
Don't worry guys, I have this. I'm the hacker known as 4 channel.
Fire off the sirens boys.

"Aesthetic niggling, but it irks me that the majority of them have forum signatures many times larger than their actual post contents.."

Check out my AMA!

[Image: overwatch_d_va_graphics_by_mjc_silver-da9wzuc.png]

"Boom shakalaka! She's on fire!"
Sounds like wasted talent.

They could be catching actual criminals or terrorists, yet they wanna target ponylovers.
Agreed. To be completely honest, while I appreciate their display of (relative) hospitality to those who have a sense of humor, I simultaneously loathe the site's callous and at times presumptuous miasma. They laugh at the Internet's strangest as though they themselves are any better. We're all human, after all.

I've known - truly known - some of you guys longer than any other, and you've come to know my true nature as we've learned together. Know that whatever they say about you there, if anything, comes from a place of ignorance or delusion, and that I, despite this breach of security, will never give up on this community. Know, also, that the breach will not happen again, because much more disappointingly than the blind condemnation of us by those strangers was the betrayal of two community members who have been with us since the days of MLW - Redemption and LyraLover.

Redemption has always been a shifty one. I'm not certain that any of you were close with him, but he and I had a falling out several months ago, over an argument about Taxman. As many of you are aware, during the community's exodus from MLW, I began to condemn more and more any interaction with Taxman whatsoever, as we distanced ourselves further from MLW to make our own community. Redemption... well. He thought I was harassing him, myself, and he wouldn't see it any other way. Despite this disagreement, I thought that, perhaps, we could part ways without lingering spite. I suppose I was wrong, for he was more than likely the one who gave the information out... three months after our last conversation.

Some of you may remember LyraLover as mashing, who came to MLW with a "curiosity" about tulpae. Not long after, he admitted to actually being a ponylover, and after that, he continuously added and removed tulpae from his life and went back and forth on who he loved the most. I know that some of you were good friends with LyraLover, but he was indeed guilty of antagonizing Taxman pointlessly and relentlessly, despite being warned to stop several times. This led to his ban, but only from the site. Not from the Skype chat. That was my decision, to allow him to stay in the Skype chat... one decision I didn't expect to regret. Over time, LyraLover fell out of touch with the community, and felt as though he was being ignored on purpose. I don't know what possessed him to blame me for his social shortcomings, but it resulted in what you see in the original post of this thread.

Those random strangers on Kiwi will forget in time, but this betrayal was an act of spite by people we once let into our hearts, people we may remember for a long time. Redemption never seemed to have a purpose here, in this community, but we allowed him to stay because he opened up to us in turn, and his curiosity was harmless and friendship appreciated. LyraLover, I would say, is deeply confused. They both are, but LyraLover especially. He was always looking for his identity, it seemed, in this place he thought would accept him, but his true colors represent the true reason he never fit in. Both of them claimed to care about the community and its members, but in doing what's happened today, they've demonstrated that their love for this community, if it ever existed, is now gone. Today has been filled with fear on account of the spotlight shining upon us, and all they've succeeded in doing is scaring or angering our members... no act a protector of this community, or its members, would do. Despite this, I want you to look inside yourself, reader, and recognize the love you have for your friends in this community, and don't be afraid. Take pity upon those who struck out against us today, for they have no love in their hearts, no forgiveness to provide.

Let's make today a day to remember that we stand stronger as a community, a day to appreciate the friends you've made here and the stories you've shared. This place isn't perfect, yes... we fight each-other sometimes, and we forget that this space, among those who are most likely to understand us, those who've felt our desires and known our pain, as we literally strive to make our dreams come true, is our only sanctuary for these feelings we share for our mares. This place is special, and through whatever hard feelings you may have for another member, or they for you, let's try and keep it a positive place. Compromise. Communicate. Love...

Don't be afraid... and feel free to shoot me a PM or something if you need anything. I love you guys.

Let me know if you need anything. I'm here to help.

Also, feel free to drop by my AMA. :Twilightsmile:
Very well said, Lurker.
There is only one fate for those who betray the pone loving cause, and I do not grant mercy.

In all seriousness, he's a whiny kid who finally figured out no one liked him, so he tried to deal as much damage as possible before finally coming to terms with the fact that we hate him.

Not a big deal in my eyes, some people dislike us, but there will always be people like that we just have to overcome them
Love is bittersweet, sometimes you have to carry on knowing you're partner won't be with you much longer, what's important is that you stay strong for them

Redemption said he had nothing to do with what happened, but LyraLover made the threat to dox just before he became unbanned, and then he actually went through with the dox. LyraLover won't confirm for me where he got the information so really Redemption's just prime suspect #1. I don't know who else it would have been. So... maybe don't blame him right now, but LyraLover, definitely. However, Redemption has admitted to this sort of shit before, so I definitely wouldn't put it past him. He's remaining banned and guilty until proven innocent; too much shit matches up to give him another chance right now.

Let me know if you need anything. I'm here to help.

Also, feel free to drop by my AMA. :Twilightsmile:

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