So that happened.
I was at work not too long ago and I saw a customer wearing a Princess Cadence hoodie.

Now just for context, I'm an immensely private individual and rarely share what I like and often don't talk to others aside from a brief greeting.

Since no other co-workers were around and it was slow I told him I liked his hoodie. I had to repeat myself once or twice because I was speaking quietly out of nerves. That and I worried he would think I was mocking him, my voice doesn't express too much of what I'm feeling in most situations, thankfully he didn't think that. We even had a brief conversation about our favorite ponies, to which of course I said Nightmare, he even told me he was going to Bronycon this year and showed me a little MLP key chain he had.

It was kind of surreal for me afterwards, but I think it was a nice experience, however brief it was. Just thought I'd take the time to share it.
That sounds like a pretty nice encounter. I love when that sort of thing happens in person. Twilight Smile
❤ Octavia ❤ Tulpamancing since 2015/10/31 ❤ AMA
I wear a pony dogtag necklace thing every day. Occasionally, at work, people recognze it.

My Beloveds
[Maud Pie] [Tempest Shadow] [Ocellus] [Blaze the Cat]
I've worn Rainbow Dash shirts / accessories in public, but I've never had anyone acknowledge it, really. Much less engage in a conversation with me about ponies.
[Image: bic7lIo.png][Image: angelbabe_by_passer_in_the_storm-d9n46hy.png]

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