Favorite Quotes
"He's Zachary Comstock"

"No, he's Booker Dewitt"

"No, I'm both"

Bioshock Infinite
Love is bittersweet, sometimes you have to carry on knowing you're partner won't be with you much longer, what's important is that you stay strong for them
"Du auf dem Schulhof
ich zum Töten bereit
und keiner hier weiß
von meiner Einsamkeit

Rote Striemen auf weißer Haut
ich tu dir weh
und du jammerst laut

Jetzt hast du Angst und ich bin soweit
mein schwarzes Blut versaut dir das Kleid

Dein weißes Fleisch erregt mich so
ich bin doch nur ein Gigolo
dein weißes Fleisch erleuchtet mich

Mein schwarzes Blut und dein weißes Fleisch
ich werd immer geiler von deinem Gekreisch
der Angstschweiß da auf deiner weißen Stirn
hagelt in mein krankes Gehirn

Dein weißes Fleisch erregt mich so
ich bin doch nur ein Gigolo
mein Vater war genau wie ich
dein weißes Fleisch erleuchtet mich

Jetzt hast du Angst und ich bin soweit
mein krankes Dasein nach Erlösung schreit
dein weißes Fleisch wird mein Schafott
in meinem Himmel gibt es keinen Gott

Dein weißes Fleisch erregt mich so
ich bin doch nur ein Gigolo
dein weißes Fleisch erleuchtet mich
mein Vater war genau wie ich
dein weißes Fleisch erregt mich so
ich bin ein trauriger Gigolo
dein weißes Fleisch erleuchtet mich"
-Weißes Fleisch by Rammstein
"It's like a mosaic of semen." - Gordon Ramsey

"You have done your work, boys, and may go play, unless you will fall out among yourselves."- Sir Jacob Astley
Love is bittersweet, sometimes you have to carry on knowing you're partner won't be with you much longer, what's important is that you stay strong for them
Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see.

TRANSMIT - initiate the First Age signal - RECEIVE - initiate the Second, Third, and Fourth - THE FACE THAT LAUNCHED A THOUSAND SHIPS - initiate the Odontaspididae cadence - DYNAMITE WITH A LASER BEAM, GUARANTEED TO BLOW YOUR MIND - when she smiled into the black hole, it smiled back - WITNESS - Lilith.


We are under the sea. The primordial soup. There are dimensions inside dimensions, worlds within worlds. ENHANCING. We are in the womb of a sand shark. An even more primordial soup. Shark pups hunt and eat each other in the dark. The deadly womb is their whole universe. Embryonic cannibalism. Whatever comes out is stronger, fiercer. Do you understand, sweetling?

We call upon her seventeen names. We do not know the secret eighteenth. Only the Nephilim can conjure that. We call upon her names! Abeko. Abito. Amizo. Batna. Eilo. Ita. Izorpo. Kea. Kali. Odam. Kokos. Partasah. Patrota. Podo. Satrina. Talto. Lilith.

The Mother of Monsters. The Queen of Demons. Some names she gave herself, others were given by enemies. PR is important in every age. She would rather be remembered for her contributions to science. But she will proudly wear infamy as a garland and recline in furs atop a throne of those who have wronged her.


She was one of the first humans. Given life by Gaia. She recalls the Garden. She remembers the first sin. We witness her betray her own race, joining the Nephilim against the Grigori. Cast out by her peers and cursed to wander the wastes alone. We, at least, admired her independence.

She did not remain alone for long. Samael, who rebelled from the Host, saw something in her. They joined as husband and wife. Their coupling made for offspring both terrible and miraculous. Many of the monsters of this age trace their roots back to her. Embryonic cannibalism.

It began as a relationship of convenience. She was to be a catspaw for Samael. But she rose as his equal. Surprises in love can happen even to the Fallen. The Nephilim lost their war, and so ended the First Age, but not the union of Samael and Lilith. Bonnie and Clyde blasting eternity.


The mystic age. Age of hierophants. Age of blood sacrifices. Age of violent heroes. The cities that were living leviathan islands swimming the oceans. The Nephilim outcasts held their bite through the ages. Lilith's ambitions grew beyond their plans. She dreamed of her own accomplishments. She dreamed of the Dreaming Ones. To harness their power. To be beholden to no one ever again. Lilith and Samael, always together, always deceiving mankind down the ages, always undone by their hubris.


The age of impossible science. Cities that walked on mechanical legs. Time bent like water. Odysseys to the moon. Lilith in her prime. She ruled the greatest city of knowledge. She almost realised her dream. Came so close. She raised a Dreaming One from its prison. It whispered to her directly. It made such promises, claimed it willingly powered the city. LIES. Promised the impossible could be accomplished if all of its fellows were freed. LIES. Lilith was smart, Lilith was clever. She knew there was treachery in the whispers. But she went ahead, thinking she could control the pandemonium. She thought she could betray an event horizon. That age collapsed in screams under the tentacular skies.


Lilith worked independently of Samael. She glided through vital points of history. She watched Mesopotamia rise. She called pharaohs and queens lovers. She confounded emperors in Rome, manipulated popes. She has been Isthar, Athena, and Juno - priestess, seductress, scientist, goddess. She led cults to sun worship. She led armies of demons. She watched holy wars, sometimes with glee, sometimes with regret.

Lilith perched at the top of the biggest multinational corporation in the world, the Orochi Group. She syphoned R&D for her own purposes. A bitter wedge had formed in her apocalyptic romance with Samael. Her mania accelerated. She was tired of waiting. She revived the Dues Sol into the modern Morninglight.

But things did not go according to plan in Tokyo.


Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss-I am the smoking mirror-let me in.

Hiya, Chuck. It's John.

I want you to understand why Lilith is scary. I don't want you thinking less of me, Chuck. It's not magic or tech or underlings or a womb full of teeth. You got to understand, Chuck. Humour me. Look in a mirror. Stare at your reflection. We've all done this. In the wee hours. Stare so long your face becomes a stranger. You lose your identity. You could be anyone.

Now, picture all the people you've been. Every different Chuck. Maybe you think your life was short. Or uneventful. But if you look, there were many you's. We get stuck in the now and the rut. Don't we, Chuck? Tunnel vision.You think you're just this two-dimensional current you. But look at all those different Chucks. Layer them on top of each other. Suddenly, you have substance. You have the power of context. You are a multi-dimensional being. You've seen shit. That is when we are at our most powerful. When we remember all the us's. Then we are legion.

Lilith was one of the first humans. She's lived longer than your beef brain can process, Chuck. Imagine just how many different Liliths she has been. Do you think the one, flat version that you met was all there is? She's been too many. She gets lost in the shuffle. But imagine, Chuck, imagine what happens when she self-actualises. Imagine when she takes a moment, stares into a mirror, and gains her full context.

It's OK to shiver.

See you, Chuck.
Don't hesitate to AM(A)A

The bigger you build the bonfire, the more darkness is revealed.

Every possession and every happiness is but lent by chance for an uncertain time, and may therefore be demanded back the next hour.
Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see.\r\nTRANSMIT - initiate New England signal - RECEIVE - initiate the burning cadence - EXIT HERE IN CASE OF FIRE - initiate the forgetting mantra - WITNESS - The Black House.

Come with us.

To the abandoned house, at forest's edge, not far from the Overlook Motel.

Come with us.

Ravaged by fire thirty years ago, it hunches in blackened, twisted agony, charred like an ant husk under the searing sadism of childhood. The house is quiet, an ugly aftermath. But we can read the writing of scars.

Initiate the trauma cadence.

A bad thing happened here.

Do you see what we see?

Fire burns away so many guilts, but the ashes remain.

Do you see what we see? \r\nNo one goes to the Black House. Kingsmouth still feels the guilt, and the guilt has a name.

Have you heard the story of Carrie Killian, sweetling?

She came to Kingsmouth and built the house in 1974. She worked from home, offering consultation and help through pagan practises. In those days, everyone liked her.

Malefactor detected! There, in the pattern of the ashes. Eye and Pyramid. Do you see what we see?

Carrie Killian was no fraud, but an independent practitioner of magical arts. This concerned the Illuminati. They did not like the way she observed the Innsmouth Academy.

Fire is a powerful tool, your first technology, sweetling. There were meetings in darkened rooms. It only takes a spark. Conniving lips manufactured rumours and planted them in small-town ears. Fire spreads. "She's a bad influence on our children." Bad will and bad mouthing, and Carrie Killian suffered on, still offering her services to the hypocrites who asked for help with one face, and spoke ill of her with another. Fire can get out of control.

Rumour mongering became ostracising. "Fraud" became "freak" became "devil worshipper." "That handsome house" became "that den of evil." A shrieking primate finally gets the courage to poke the curiosity, before running back up the tree, and soon all the talking monkeys are grabbing sticks.

Sometimes fuel gets spilt on the fire.

In 1987, several guests disappeared from the Overlook Motel. Those conniving lips whispered new rumours. The investigation proved Carrie Killian innocent, but the seed was already planted in the simian brains of the townsfolk. We visited a few of the mundanes, hovered over their beds and tried to warn them of the coming disaster, but they saw us and lost their simian minds.

When two mangled children were found near Ms Killian's house, it was too late. The torches. The mob. The intent to frighten away, warped by the compiling misunderstandings. The roar of fire out of control. The screams of a woman. The shocked silence of a mob that sees itself reflected in the flames.

Guilt distills into stories until it is palatable. A story formed in every mouth by the time the fire died. "House was already on fire when we got there, and she was at the window, cackling," mumbles a man over his drink. The city council arranged a quick funeral. No mourners showed. Carrie Killian was cremated and buried beneath a cheap gravestone.

The Black House still stands. No one wants to tear it down. No one wants to pick at the scab of their guilt. They cover it up with stories of wicked witchcraft. We listen as the sweet children sing the name Carrie Killian in their jump rope rhymes, the way they used to sing about the Black Plague.

Ashes. Ashes. We all fall down.
Don't hesitate to AM(A)A

The bigger you build the bonfire, the more darkness is revealed.

Every possession and every happiness is but lent by chance for an uncertain time, and may therefore be demanded back the next hour.
"Rudyard Kipling in his great book, Kim, gives an instance of this game, played by Kim and a trained native youth. Lurgan Sahib exposes to the sight of the two boys a tray filled with jewels and gems, allowing them to gaze upon it a few moments before it is withdrawn from sight. Then the competition begins, as follows:

'There are under that paper five blue stones, one big, one smaller, and three small,' said Kim in all haste. 'There are four green stones, and one with a hole in it; there is one yellow stone that I can see through, and one like a pipe stem. There are two red stones, and—and—give me time.' But Kim had reached the limit of his powers. Then came the turn of the native boy.

'Hear my count,' cried the native child. 'First are two flawed sapphires, one of two ruttes and one of four, as I should judge. The four rutte sapphire is chipped at the edge. There is one Turkestan turquoise, plain with green veins, and there are two inscribed—one with the name of God in gilt, and the other being cracked across, for it came out of an old ring, I cannot read. We have now the five blue stones; four flamed emeralds there are, but one is drilled in two places, and one is a little carven.'

'Their weight?' said Lurgan Sahib, impassively.

'Three—five—five and four ruttees, as I judge it. There is one piece of old greenish amber, and a cheap cut topaz from Europe. There is one ruby of Burma, one of two ruttees, without a flaw. And there is a ballas ruby, flawed, of two ruttees. There is a carved ivory from China, representing a rat sucking an egg; and there is last—Ah—ha!—a ball of crystal as big as a bean set in gold leaf.'

Kim is mortified at his bad beating, and asks the secret. The answer is: 'By doing it many times over, till it is done perfectly, for it is worth doing.'"
Don't hesitate to AM(A)A

The bigger you build the bonfire, the more darkness is revealed.

Every possession and every happiness is but lent by chance for an uncertain time, and may therefore be demanded back the next hour.
The people so far below the Ferris wheel were like little ants. When he thought about how each little dot was a life, Punpun was overwhelmed. And to those looking up at him, Punpun was just a piece of lint or something else too insignificant to notice. Punpun was brave, so that was okay with him. But then why did the tears keep coming? He thought and he thought, but the only thing that happened was the end of the ride got closer.


"Hey, Punpun, maybe it's time to stop playing at being a good person?"
Yes, he may be right.
"You're just going to end up dead or in jail if you treat life like an endurance test and try to bottle up the haze of your wrath and lust inside your head, you know."
Punpun felt something very dark and heavy in his heart.
"So why fight your desires?"
The darkness that was spreading so quickly was a powerful sensation Punpun had never encountered before.
"Just descend as deep as you can go."
It felt like he was floating aimlessly in space.
Despair. Loneliness. Ecstasy.

- Goodnight Punpun.
"Persecution of the Masses. Sacred blessings count for nothing.

Oh God, give us your protection.

Let no blame lie at the innocents, who have prayed. If your high praise is all we have, let us not be without you."
-Persecution of the Masses - By Shiro Sagisu, from Shin Godzilla
"Anderson, stop it! Do you know what that thing will do to you?! You'll become one of God's monsters! Retain your humanity. Don't succumb to power! Either side, it amounts to the same deal: whether in the name of the divine or the demonic, you're still a monster in the end! Do you intend to use that scrap of miracle...to become nothing but a scrap of miracle yourself?! This duel...between us...would you really push it this far - into the realms that lie beyond the realm of mortal life? A monster such as myself...a creature of such weakness that I could not bear the weight of a human life...if I am to be defeated, it must be by a human! Don't do it, human. Don't become a monster...a monster like me..." - Alucard, Hellsing Ultimate
Love is bittersweet, sometimes you have to carry on knowing you're partner won't be with you much longer, what's important is that you stay strong for them

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