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(10-31-2017, 03:52 PM)Rares Wrote: S7E24: Uncommon Bond
I didn't think this was a good one honestly. I think it really shows why Sunburst isn't that good a character. And I personally don't like him with Starlight either, and I'm sorry for any Starlight lovers here.
It's ok.I kinda agreed that.Still not sure yet,but I think Sunburst could be a double-edged sword for some Starlight lovers.There are two voice inside my head.
One of the voice is afraid of Starlight and Sunburst's friendship...will be romantic way.Even though use logic to think that won't happen in cartoon show,but I still have that nightmare twice.
After this episode,some people say Sunburst didn't care about Starlight. I feel a lttle comforting to be honest.
The other voice is character development,in order to make Starlight's development,Sunburst is indispensable ,maybe even Trixie or Twilight can't trigger her memory.Starlight like to play game?That information can't never get without Sunburst.
So's basically two thought contradictory each other
Quote: And honestly, that one line at the end where Starlight says "All my friends" without any of the Mane 5, yeah that did kinda bother me a bit. But it just seems like an episode that was easy to just write off and not think too much about, there wasn't much merit to it I feel at least.
It's kinda bother,too.The Episodes in season 7 let me feel that Starlight and mane5 are firends... is "Fame and Misfortune".Something I think is she really blend with mane 5?Maybe it isn't just deeply enough,have a feel of something isn't right.
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(10-31-2017, 09:22 PM)OZ the pony Wrote: It's ok.I kinda agreed that.Still not sure yet,but I think Sunburst could be a double-edged sword for some Starlight lovers.There are two voice inside my head.
One of the voice is afraid of Starlight and Sunburst's friendship...will be romantic way.Even though use logic to think that won't happen in cartoon show,but I still have that nightmare twice. I'm sorry you've had those worries, I know what that's like having gone through several similar types of periods with worries about one day someone may do something with Rarity and Spike shipping. If it makes you feel better, I certainly don't think a romantic relationship will ever develop, and I think this episode is the furthest it will go.
Quote:It's kinda bother,too.The Episodes in season 7 let me feel that Starlight and mane5 are firends... is "Fame and Misfortune".Something I think is she really blend with mane 5?Maybe it isn't just deeply enough,have a feel of something isn't right.
I think they did a little too much with Starlight and Twilight this season, even in episodes that didn't forcus on them (Like Triple Threat), I mean I know Starlight lives with Twilight, but I think it would be better to have an episode of Starlight with another M6 pony in the next season. The way I see it, since Cutie Remark, Starlight definitely is close friends with the rest of the M5, but the problem is they rarely show that I feel. Fame and Misfortune had a bit of that, and I feel It Isn't The Mane Thing About You also had a bit of that, but I think they just need to do it more. Honestly I think what that was, was just a very poorly written line from a writer who has a habit of writing very poor lines with big implications. So it's best to just ignore it and forget it, I feel. Especially in an episode that's okay to forget.
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Hey Rares, how far along are you in this ? How are you holding up the challenge (if you haven't completed it) ? I ask cause I actually tried it last year and ended up lasting only two month  Maybe I'll try again sometime now that the new season is over and I can't just re-watch the movie 100 time.
"I might not have any magic available to me, but that didn't make me any less of a wizard, one of the magi, the wise. That's the true power of a wizard. I know things. Knowledge is power." Harry Dresden
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(11-01-2017, 03:32 PM)Hadrien C. Wrote: Hey Rares, how far along are you in this ? How are you holding up the challenge (if you haven't completed it) ? I ask cause I actually tried it last year and ended up lasting only two month Maybe I'll try again sometime now that the new season is over and I can't just re-watch the movie 100 time.
I started this back at the beginning of the year, and it slowed down when I ran out of chronological episodes. I intend to start it up again at the start of next year. All I wanted to do personally was give myself a chance to rewatch everything, and write my feelings for it. At this point it has been a bit spaced out, and I need to catch up writing about my thoughts on the season finale.
If you do end up taking this as a "challenge" I do encourage you to share your thoughts on whatever episode you rewatched too, if you'd like. I found that cataloging everything like I did helped me keep track and make sure I did it much more often.
And you can still probably watch the movie a hundredth time, nothing wrong with that.
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Considering this thread is going to be resurrected tomorrow, I think I should finish up my very late thoughts of the last episodes of S7. I'll cheat and put them both here.
S7E25 and E26: Shadow Play
I thought this was a very compelling story about what Orion Pax was like before becoming Optimus Prime. It shows a tremendous amount of intriguing corruption in the Cybetronian senate, and the shock of the plot twist at the end with Optimus Prime's close Senator friend really being- wait. Oh, not that Shadowplay? Well, I guess the MLP counterpart will have to do.
This finale was... okay. The first half felt good with all of the Mane 6 finally getting to do something in the end, but the second half felt like a whole lot of nothing. Not that it was bad, just that it lacked anything to it to make it stand out. Starswirl was a jerk, and it felt like just a big excuse to write the elements back into the story. Which, I felt was tremendously necessary and as a result I won't fault this too hard, but it just felt lacking in a lot of areas. Perhaps because it felt a bit weak coming out just after the movie, with drastically different stakes, and just sorta feeling like it happened.
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S1E1: Friendship is Magic Part 1
Here we go again. This seem so different, as always. Smaller scale, smaller sets, more rigid animation, the voice acting difference, I can't believe this was almost a decade ago. What a start to a ride. I think it really does a warm job of introducing what makes everyone who they are. Who would have thought it ended up where it is.
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S1E2: Friendship is Magic Part 2
Geez did this show in it's early days have a ton of animation errors. I noticed a lot of eye clipping, Celestia's tail, facial expressions, shocking really. I really wish to know how these were created, since it seems like it was done quickly. Or maybe they were just getting familiar with things. Either way, comfy start. Lookimg back to my previous entry, it's gopd to know thr elements are still here.
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You know, didn't like this one as much this time around. Not that it's bad, and you know it is a good lesson early on, but of course no one wants to be taken advantage of because of something they have. So the resolution was good. I also notice a lot more animation errors, a lot of eye clipping and such, it's crazy to see how much has changed. But still pleasant episode.
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S1E4: Applebuck Season
The simplier animation and background continues to really stand out compared to 7 years late, it's crazy. On top of that you still have drastic voice differences, in this case notably Big Mac. Not just because he has more lines than traditional, but it's different. Applejack seems to have her voice continue to set in herself.
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It's kinda odd reading these, since I haven't gotten a clue of the newer episodes.
Like, the voices you keep saying, is it that bad compare to the new ones?
The animation, well, that's expected. It was meant for kids, so the work they put in didn't matter as much during that time. So to make sure parts don't clip over, or go back and fix something, was a good thing, since our heroine, Derpy Hooves, was born because of that. :3