Birthday Happy
So I suppose I am considered one year older now.

I will post later towards what stuffs I got.

So yay me I suppose.
My Beloveds
[Maud Pie] [Tempest Shadow] [Ocellus] [Blaze the Cat]
Yay indeed. Happy birthday, Pacifist.

Amena: Happy birthday!!! (\^ ^/)

Fluttershy: Happy birthday.. :x umm, Pacifist. ^ ^
Happy birthday Pacifist! Hope you have a nice day
Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
I got earbuds, two candles, and a dvd player as well as a tiny cake. Yay.
My Beloveds
[Maud Pie] [Tempest Shadow] [Ocellus] [Blaze the Cat]
Not sure if you got this in your collection. Simply wish to share this piece I found late at night. -w-

[Image: 9676c30a9c2039666020d3604828261e.jpg]
Happy Birthday! May you have many more to come! Starry-Eyed Rarity
Don't hesitate to AM(A)A

The bigger you build the bonfire, the more darkness is revealed.

Every possession and every happiness is but lent by chance for an uncertain time, and may therefore be demanded back the next hour.

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