How do you explain this to someone else?
I’ll jump on this train as well.

Unfortunately most people will not understand. It is probably best to only talk about it to other people who do understand, such as on this site. Otherwise you will most likely be looked at differently, fair or not, it will happen. So for your own sake, it’s good to have places like here to express your feelings so that you can continue other parts of your life without judgment.
I learned to hide in plain sight. What I've done my whole earthly life really. Those who need to know, do. Simple really. I am at such a point where I have little connection or value of or towards the "outside" world. The inner realm of experience has Become so encompassing.
It's interesting thinking about this in hindsight. I definitely considered telling family back in the day, though in hindsight I'm glad I didn't as it wouldn't have gone over well.

These days I don't have a burning desire to spill the beans, but thinking about whether I'd tell someone is a pretty good sense check on whether I should trust them about other things.

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